Month: March 2016

Top Tips For Building Good Habits


What is a habit? A habit is a routine behaviour that is repeated regularly and tends to occur unconsciously.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going

You need to start with the decision to make a new habit. An example of a new habit could be getting fit.

Top tips for building good habits:

  • Commit to 21 days: Block out three weeks in your calendar. You want to make your new habit automatic, it won’t start like this but after three weeks, you should have conditioned your mind to make it into a habit.
  • Start simple: Tell yourself you will do at least ten minutes of exercise every day. Everyone can fit that into their lives right?
  • Daily: Every day you have to be consistent to make the habit a habit.
  • Write your habit down: Write your habit down and place it somewhere you will see it every day.
  • Tell people: Tell people what your new habit is and what you are committing to. You will then be surrounded by people who will hold you accountable and keep you on track.
  • Plan: You have to make a plan for how your new habit is going to fit into your life. If you don’t think you are going to have time to exercise on Thursday, make a plan, so you do have time. For example get up ten minutes earlier and put on a ten minute yoga video. You should plan for the entire 21 days, you could put a planner up in your kitchen which states what exercise you are going to be doing on each day and for how long, then you tick it off when you have done it. I am sure there will be days when you can only fit in ten minutes, but that doesn’t matter as long as you commit to doing the ten minutes.

Its not what you do once in a while; it’s what you do day in and day out that makes the difference

You change my example habit from “getting fit” to anything you want. For example, I really want to progress forward with my business, therefore I want to make it habit to write blogs, put content on my YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. My plan is to take the tips noted above and apply them to my business. For example, putting content on Facebook every day.

I believe anyone can do anything they set their mind to. Now commit to your new habit and start making it happen. Nothing will happen without you making that choice.


What Should You Do Next

Caroline Wellingham is an accredited career and life coach and a certified NLP Practitioner. She loves encouraging, motivating and inspiring clients to achieve their career goals and ambitions. If you want to become passionate about your career and you think you could benefit from a career change coach then book in for a free 45 minute consultation:

If you would like to purchase a guide on Becoming Passionate About Your Career & Personal Development, click here >>>

If you would like to attend my free Masterclass on the 5 Steps You Need to take to Find Your Dream Career, sign up to attend here >>>. It lasts about 40 minutes and will cover the following:

  • The 5 powerful steps you need to take in order to find your dream job this year.

  • Get really clear about your 2018 career goals and move away from feeling stuck in a career rut.

  • The key steps and actions you need to take to move from where you are right now to where you want to be in your future career.

  • Start to feel super excited and motivated to make a change in your career in 2018 and making it happen!

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