What are Vision Boards?

The creation of a collage poster that represents your wishes, dreams, ambitions and goals. It should include images, quotes and photos of travel, education, family and any other goals you want to set for your future self. What you will end up with will be a visual representation of everything you want to achieve in your life.

Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe


What are the benefits of creating a vision board?

  • It works: I can speak from personal experience that a vision board works! My most recent vision board has about 20 countries/ places on it and I have already been to about ten of them.
  • It is fun: There are no restrictions, you can just let your imagination run wild and put anything on your vision board that you want.
  • Constant reminder: Put your vision board in a prominent place where you will see it all the time. This will act as a constant reminder of what you want to do.
  • Clarify your goals: A vision board helps you to make clear what your goals are. Signals are sent to your brain that what is on your board are the things you want to achieve, therefore your brain will be on the lookout to see what can be done to make these things happen e.g. noticing a relevant advert in a magazine which you would usually ignore.
  • Action focused: It will encourage you to take action. With the help of your vision board you now know what you want to do, your job is to take action to make it happen.


Create a vision that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning


Create your own vision board in these three easy steps:

  • Download “Success Vision Board” or buy yourself a large piece of card.
  • Select images/ quotes and add them to your board.
  • Once you have completed your board, put it somewhere you will see it everyday. This will act as a constant reminder of the things you want to achieve in your life. Then start to see these things happening in your life!


A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more


What Should you Do Next?

I am a professional life coach and I love to inspire and motivate women to achieve their goals, ambitions and dreams. If you think you could benefit from a life coach then please get in touch with me at caroline@raisethebarlifecoaching.co.uk where I will be happy to arrange a free 30 minute taster life coaching session with you.