Negative Self Talk

A typical person has between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day, this is approximately 35 – 48 thoughts per minute. As many as 98% of these thoughts are exactly the same as the day before and it is believed that 80% of these thoughts are negative.

Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right

You need to recognise that your thoughts are either helping you in your life or they are not helping you.

Negative thoughts are things like ‘I am not good enough’, ‘I am not confident’, ‘I am not beautiful. Wouldn’t it be better to radiate self confidence and become the absolute best version of yourself possible? You can shift your internal dialogue from negative to empowering by using a pattern interrupt. Here are four steps to follow:

  1. What is your inner dialogue saying? Capture exactly what your inner dialogue is saying, you need to get clear about this. Carry around a notebook for the next three days and any time a negative thought comes into your head, write it down in your notebook.
  2. Themes: Pick 2 to 3 common themes that keep coming up. Ask yourself this question: ‘if I allow this negative dialogue to continue what are the consequences for me now and what are the consequences for my future’? e.g. you will never get the job you want, you will never be able to present in front of a group. You need to tell yourself that you are not going to take this anymore.
  3. Interrupt and Replace: Stop your negative thoughts the moment when you hear that negative internal chatter start e.g. I’m a loser. You need to interrupt this message by using the simple phrase “stop”. Replace that dialogue with something that will empower you, such as, ‘of course you can do it’, ‘I am capable’ and ‘I am beautiful’.
  4. Take action: Take action to do something that you would not normally do and prove to yourself that you can do it. It then becomes a self fulfilling prophecies and a snowball effect will result. Some examples of some things that you can do include speaking up at meetings, volunteer to do a presentation, at a networking event go and speak to that person. In summary, do something you wouldn’t normally do and you will confirm to your inner self that you can do it.

      The only thing standing between you and your dream is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it

A Powerful Story About Changing the Way You Think

A Pastor in Kansas City knows about the power of changing the way you think. To help his congregation to focus on what they do want rather than what they don’t want, he gave a purple bracelet to everyone at church during one Sunday service. As it takes 21 days to create a new habit, the idea was for people to switch the bracelet to the other wrist if they found themselves complaining (one of the most common forms of negative thinking) and keep switching it until they had completed the full 21 days without a single complaint.

This project expanded from 250 bracelets to five million in nine months. This just goes to show what a huge impact this can have on people’s lives. This story encourages focusing on what you do want rather than on what you don’t want, because “What we think, we create”


What Should You Do Next

Caroline Wellingham is an accredited career and life coach and a certified NLP Practitioner. She loves encouraging, motivating and inspiring clients to achieve their career goals and ambitions. If you want to become passionate about your career and you think you could benefit from a career change coach then book in for a free 45 minute consultation:

If you would like to purchase a guide on Becoming Passionate About Your Career & Personal Development, click here >>>

If you would like to attend my free Masterclass on the 5 Steps You Need to take to Find Your Dream Career, sign up to attend here >>>. It lasts about 40 minutes and will cover the following:

  • The 5 powerful steps you need to take in order to find your dream job this year.

  • Get really clear about your 2018 career goals and move away from feeling stuck in a career rut.

  • The key steps and actions you need to take to move from where you are right now to where you want to be in your future career.

  • Start to feel super excited and motivated to make a change in your career in 2018 and making it happen!