Ten Common Failed New Year’s Resolutions

I recently attended a workshop about New Year’s Resolutions and the starting point was to talk about ten of the most common failed new years resolutions. Here is the list below:

  1. Working out and losing weight
  2. Eating healthier
  3. Stop procrastinating
  4. Spend less money
  5. Let go of grudges
  6. Be more productive
  7. Get over an ex
  8. Fall in love
  9. Use technology less
  10. Take more chances


What is Wrong with these Resolutions?

First of all, they are all really vague ideologies, not specific goals. Working out and losing weight is such a common resolution, the questions that follow are how often are you going to work out, what exercise will you do, what strategies will you try if you lose motivation, how much weight do you want to lose and by when. What is missing from these resolutions is a detailed action plan. There is no point vaguely saying “I want to be more productive”, the question is, what are you going to do to become more productive? You could give up TV and you would have plenty more time to be productive, but what would you like to more productive at doing?


What Strategy Could Work Better?

I have no problem with resolutions, in fact I am a big plan of goal setting in any shape or form, as long as your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound). The most important aspect of goal setting is taking action. If nothing changes in the actions you take then nothing will change with your situation.

Having an action plan is really important but so is having an accountability partner, someone you tell exactly what you are going to do and someone who will follow up to make sure you are doing what you say you are doing. If you are the only person holding yourself accountable, then you are much less likely to achieve what you want out of life. Get an accountability buddy or better still, hire a life coach to encourage and motivate you!


What Should You Do Next?

I am an accredited life coach and I love encouraging, motivating and inspiring my clients to achieve their goals and ambitions. If you think you could benefit from a life coach then please book in for your free 25 minute mini life coaching session at a time convenient for you: https://calendly.com/raisethebarlife/25-minute-taster-coaching-session