Complete a Career Health Check

It is time to take a good look at your current career situation and completing this career health check is going to help you get started.

In order to decide where you want to go in your career, you first of all need to understand where you are right now in your current situation.

Listed below are a series of questions for you to go through. Take some time to write down the answers to these questions. Grab a pen and paper and go to a quiet place. Go through each of the questions in turn and just write out exactly what comes to mind.

Try to write as much as possible for each of these questions, because writing can actually help you to tap into your subconscious thoughts which you may not even be aware of.

Taking some time out from your busy life and going through these questions is an important first step as it helps you to gain an overview of your current career situation.


Career Health Check Questions

  1. On a Sunday evening, how do you feel about going into work the next day?
  2. Which parts of your job do you enjoy the most?
  3. Which parts of your job do you enjoy the least?
  4. What is your relationship with your manager like?
  5. What is your relationship with your colleagues like?
  6. How does your career affect your life outside of work?
  7. When you talk to people outside of work about your job, what types of things do you say and are you mostly positive or negative?
  8. What do your family think about your career?
  9. What do your friends think about your career?
  10. If you could change anything about your career, what would you change?
  11. Do you know what you would like to do next in your career?
  12. Are there any opportunities where you currently work?
  13. Are there any threats to your current role e.g. restructuring?
  14. Do you think you would find it easy to get another job?
  15. Is there anything else that you want to write out in regards to your career?

Answering these career health check questions is just a starting point to help you to figure out what your next steps are.


What Should You Do Next

I am an accredited career and life coach and a certified NLP Practitioner and I love encouraging, motivating and inspiring my clients to achieve their career goals and ambitions. If you think you could benefit from a career coach then book in for a free 45 minute consultation with me:

If you would like to attend my free Masterclass on the 5 Steps You Need to take to Find Your Dream Job, sign up to attend here >>> It lasts about 40 minutes and will cover the following:

  • The 5 powerful steps you need to take in order to find your dream job this year.

  • Get really clear about your 2018 career goals and move away from feeling stuck in a career rut.

  • The key steps and actions you need to take to move from where you are right now to where you want to be in your future career.

  • Start to feel super excited and motivated to make a change in your career in 2018 and making it happen!