Silence Your Mind Over the past year, I have tried meditating, but I have never managed to keep it up on a consistent basis. Therefore, in March, I decided to take on a challenge to complete 31 days of meditation – I am currently at day 5 of the challenge. I have read enough books […]

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Why You Should Complete a Life Assessment One of the things I love most about coaching my clients is the fact that they are taking time out from their busy lives to really think about where they are right now and where they want to be in the future. I find that people can go for […]

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Top 5 TEDx Talks This year I decided I was going to give up television in January, not that I watch a huge amount, but I decided that this would be a good start to 2017. I really wanted to spend January focusing on my business goals and on my own personal development. Therefore, I […]

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The One Thing You Need To Do Every Day What is the one thing you need to do every day in order to make stuff happen in your life? You need to take action every single day towards your life goals. This sounds very simple but it is amazing how easily people get bogged down […]

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Ten Common Failed New Year’s Resolutions I recently attended a workshop about New Year’s Resolutions and the starting point was to talk about ten of the most common failed new years resolutions. Here is the list below: Working out and losing weight Eating healthier Stop procrastinating Spend less money Let go of grudges Be more […]

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Achieving Your Goals How do we get serious about achieving our goals so that we see real progress? When you look back at the year, I want you to feel really proud of everything you have achieved and these tips are things that will help you to accomplish your goals. It is pretty common that […]

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Career Coaching

Questions you should ask yourself when you’re not sure what you want to do with your life… The most popular area that my clients want to work on with me is “I don’t know what I want to do with my life”. My conclusion is that people do know what they want to do with their […]

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