Personal Development Book Recommendations

I have come up with a list of four amazing personal development book recommendations for you. I guarantee these books will inspire and motivate you to make some incredible changes in your life.


1) The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

This is one of my all time favourite books. The message this book shares is that anyone can achieve anything they set their mind to. It is a spiritual self help book based on the law of attraction and the philosophy that positive thinking can create life changing results such as increased wealth, health and happiness. I can honestly say that this book changed my view on life and on what was possible and achievable, I now believe that I can achieve anything I set my mind to.


2) The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield has come up with 64 key principles for you to follow in order to become successful. I went to his seminar last year and I met a lady who had followed each one of his principles step by step and her life changed dramatically in the process. She was working in IT sales and is now a best selling author, basically living her dream.

I love this book because it is easy to pick up and dive in and out of. Just reading a one off chapter about the importance of taking actions, really gives you an extra boost of motivation when required.


3) The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

This is my current favourite book. Hal basically came up with the idea of putting together the six best personal development techniques and turning them in to a morning routine. Therefore, from 5am to 6am, he recommends spending ten minutes on each of the following areas:

  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • Affirmations
  • Visualisation
  • Journaling
  • Exercise

I have been trying this strategy out for three days and I am honestly loving it. I have achieved so much before my day even starts, plus I am feeling excited and motivated about the day ahead. I really cannot think of a better way to start each day.


4) Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins is an unbelievable motivational speaking, if you haven’t already, I recommend that you check out some of his YouTube videos. This book is all about how you can take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny. You have control over your life. There are so many strategies in this book that you can apply to your life. For example, one of his strategies is to change the language you are using in your everyday language, get rid of words like “depressed” and “angry” and replace them with words like “peeved” which might make you smile and change your state of mind.


What Should you Do Next?

I am a professional life coach and I love to inspire and motivate women to achieve their goals, ambitions and dreams. If you think you could benefit from a life coach then please get in touch with me at where I will be happy to arrange a free 30 minute taster life coaching session with you.